Get working life back to normal for as little as £6.08 per month
Place this smart, virtually silent little cube in any room and it uses UV-C LED technology to safely kill ALL viruses, bacteria and mould to an efficacy of 99.999%. You could sanitise your workplace, and everything in it, in as little as 30 minutes. Plus, there's no need to leave the room - AIR keeps on eliminating nasty microbes for as long as it's switched on, so your team can work together in total confidence.
AIR will help you look after your budget too. There's no large capital outlay, just manageable rental fees and flexible terms across 12, 24, 36, 48 and 60 months – whatever works for you.
Then, at the end of your rental period, you'll have the option to purchase your AIR unit for just £1.
Live work and be together with total confidence
How AIR by Atmos-Clear works
At the push of a button, dirty air is pulled into the unit through side vents in the base, and treated with ultra-violet germicidal irradiation using the latest UV-C LED technology.
The UV-C destroys the DNA and RNA of microorganisms - viruses, bacteria, moulds & fungi, rendering them ‘disrupted’ and unable to reproduce.
The air that exits the unit is not only clean air, but continually cleaning air, as the disrupted DNA and RNA latches on and kills pathogenic microorganisms to create a sanitised environment.
Air by Atmos-Clear is ASTM E3135-18 independently laboratory certified to kill 99.999% of ALL viruses, bacteria, mould and fungi in as little as 30 minutes, dependant on airflow, humidity, and temperature.

Flexible lease options available to suit
![Lease hire Desktop table version[2]_edited.png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/c527c3_d68fec1bede5436f9c2695a0fe641bcd~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_0,y_0,w_1500,h_472/fill/w_976,h_307,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/Lease%20hire%20Desktop%20table%20version%5B2%5D_edited.png)
The above table provides examples of our monthly AIR Midi costs for volume leasing over 12, 24, 36, 48 and 60 month periods.
We would be delighted to provide costs based on your individual requirements. Typical lead time from order delivery is 10 days.
What people say

John Bee, Facilities Manager,
Newcastle Under Lyme
Borough Council
"AIR has helped create a safe space for our staff to confidently return to work"

Thomas Muskin, Headmaster,
Quinton House,
Cognita Schools Group
"AIR could be a significant reason for the schools success over the past year or so and our low covid-19 cases"

Grant Grafton, Deputy Station
Manager, National Coastwatch Institute, Torbay
"We have let all of our visitors & staff know they’re doubly protected by the award winning AIR from Atmos-Clear"

Call us on 0121 562 1952 to find out more about AIR by Atmos-Clear lease options. Alternatively please complete the form below.